Image via Wikipedia
I have always been a night-owl, but since I retired two years ago I have tried to shift my daily schedule to get up in the mornings, for two reasons: First, for a vague sense of not wanting to waste the day; and second, because my wife is a morning person and would love nothing so much as to start vacuuming at 6am; it's frustrating for her not to be able to make any noise until I get up, and if I get up at 9 or 10 she'll go crazy.
So I have tried getting up at, say, 7am or earlier, and going to bed at 10 or 11. It's not working.
I drag in the morning; as a result, I spend at least two hours on breakfast, reading the paper and drinking coffee and trying to get rolling. (I have discovered to my dismay that the caffeine in coffee appears to have no energizing impact on me; I tested this and found I could have a cup of strong coffee just before bed without interfering with my sleep. Sigh.)
I have a watercolor painting class at 9am Mondays and I've dragged through that class for two years. A couple of months ago I switched to the Thursday evening version of that class—and what a difference! I get more done, and am more awake, and in a better mood Thursdays at 7pm than I ever have been Mondays at 9am!
I finally am getting the hint my body is sending me: Change the schedule!
So I will try this schedule:
Up at 8am.
After dinner, watch TV as usual or do other relaxing things until 10pm
10-midnight – go back to my computer or workstation and write or paint or do other work.
I'll still get 8 hours sleep but I might get more done!
We'll see.....
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