Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Tragedy of Caffeine

I'm more of a night person, or I used to be. As I get older (old), I am turning into more of a no-time person.

My personal tragedy is that caffeine doesn't work on me. I am always trying a cup of coffee in the morning, or to rouse myself from my midafternoon nappytime feeling, but it never works. Finally one evening I had a hearty cup of coffee before going to bed -- and slept like a baby.

There are two tragedies here.First -- if you can't rely on caffeine to give you a kick when you are lagging -- what is there? Only illegal and dangerous drugs. I'm screwed!

Second -- I read once that caffeine's effects reverse with old age: It may pep you up when you're young, but when you're 80, it calms your nerves and, for many people, helps them sleep -- the opposite of the effect it usually has when younger. I am only 63,but the conclusion that forces itself on me is -- I'M OLD!

