Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time and the Infinite Blog List

My SO CALLED FRIEND, Steve Drace, finds and sends me links to the most improbable, yet interesting, sites, blogs, and knicknacks on the Web. It's maddening, for two reasons, which I fired back at him today:


1. Where do you FIND this stuff? And (second part of question) when do you have TIME to find, read, and select the good parts??

2. Do you know how hard I have worked to winnow down my Bloglines feed list to under 100 feeds? It's like cutting off fingers. Now I just ADDED the feed for the blog Your Monkey Called, and because I can't resist clicking on a link that says "and he wants his tapes and pamphlets back," which took me to You Look Nice Today, "The audio-based Journal of Emotional Hygiene," which turned out to be a combo blog and audio blog full of sarcasm, so I added THAT TOO. I fail to resist sarcasm.

My blog list has become like my home library, like my video library, like my WINE library, ferchrissakes, and like my browser bookmarks (abandon hope all ye etc.) -- if I did nothing all my waking hours but read blog posts, I'd never catch up if I lived to be 100! Even in the unlikely event that I stop subscribing to NEW ones!


Hey, wait -- I think I have a blog post!


PS: Your Monkey Called was highlighted by Steve for a recent post called "Book Titles, If They Were Written Today," such as
"Then: The Wealth of Nations
Now: Invisible Hands: The Mysterious Market Forces That Control Our Lives and How to Profit from Them"

Today their infinite amusement consists of this entry:


This winter, the BBC brings you a gripping new crime drama…AMANPOUR

A fragrance. A dream. Remembered. Forgotten. Ralph Lauren presents…AMANPOUR

In a world where no man is equal until he has proven himself in a sweaty tropical locale, one man rises above the others. Leonardo DiCaprio stars in Baz Luhrmann’s…AMANPOUR

Crème fraîche over strawberries makes the most delicious…AMANPOUR


How can one resist? Now I have to fall behind on THIS too! Arrrrghhh!

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